10 Unique Facts about Tutankhamun of the Pharaoh Egypt - A surprising finding revealed recently by a team of experts led by Dr. Zahi Hawass, Egypt's antiquities. They identified the mummy of his parents and two grandparents by studying the DNA samples of more than two years. There is a strong suspicion that he was murdered because he had a hole in the back of the head. But now it is believed because of the mummification process and scientists think the new research showed he died from complications of a broken leg exacerbated by malaria.
Scientists for the first time with the help of DNA capable of identifying the skull King Tut's as the father of Akhenaten (top) and mother (below) And they also brothers.

King Tut (pictured below) belongs to the 18th Dynasty Kings of Egypt during the new Kingdom period. Elaborate genealogies such as there are pretty big in interracial perkimpoian family.
The Pharaoh believed they were the descendants of the gods and regarded As incest is acceptable so as to Preserve sacred bloodlines. King Tut born c. 1341 BC was the father of Akhenaten, first known as Amenhotep. Tutankhamun's mother has been confirmed as Mummy, KV35YL sister of Akhenaten. Tut's stepmother Nefertiti, Akhenaten's Chief wife. In c. 1348 BC born Ankhesenamun Akhenaten and Nerfertiti, making her half-sister of Tut. At the age of ten to marry Tut. He died at the age of 19. He died at the age of 19.
King Tut had attracted the attention of the world from its ancient tomb discovered by Howard Carter archaeologist Dr United Kingdom in the Valley of the Kings in 1922. Treasure in her Tomb including a golden mask inlaid with lapis lazuli and semi precious stones. Rumors of a curse comes after benefactor Dr. Carter Carnarvon died unexpectedly a few months after the tomb was opened. King Tut was known as kids ' heretic ' Pharaoh Akhenaten, who attempted to reform the Egypt during his reign. But his mother's identity had been wrapped in a mystery - until now.
Spoiler :
King Tut's grandmother Queen Tiye, mother of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. behind his head is believed to have been made of her own. It was not destroyed because of the mummification process and dry conditions.
Two faces of King Tutankhamun when he was a child.
However, in 2005 Dr. Hawass announced his team did not find the blow on the back of the head, and the hole of the mummification process. King Tut was replaced by the high priest Ay for four years who also married the widow Ankhesenpamon. Ay followed by military leader Horemheb who ruled for 26 years until he handed over power to Ramses, founder of the 19th dynasty. The researchers examined the 16 mummies from the Valley of the Kings. They revealed that behind the Golden splendor in which they live, count of ancient Egypt are as vulnerable as the lowest farmer to disease.Three other mummies besides Tut repeated malaria infections show and only aggravate the disease incest perkimpoian them. However, analysis of the family of King Tut's family had suffered from the disorder contradicted speculation rare who gave a feminine attribute and bone defects, including Have syndrome, connective tissue abnormalities which can lead to long leg. The theory arose from the artistic style and statues of the period, showing the Kingdom of man with prominent breasts, elongated heads and flaring hips. "It's unlikely that either Tutankhamun or Akhenaten actually displayed a significantly bizarre or feminine physique," said tim. One of the most impressive-looking Mummy King Tut learned is the grandmother, Queen Tiye. She was the wife of the head of Amenhotep III and mother of Akhenaten's father King Tut. She was the first Queen who is so prominent on the side of her husband in sculpture and reliefs of the temple.
After 3,000 years and analysis of DNA, scientists have proven that, from front to back, this is the mummy of King Tut's mother, grandmother, and his father, Akkenaten.
Dr. Zahi Hawass Antiquities expert (right) announced today in the Museum of Cairo That Egypt was mummies in front of it has been identified As Tutankhamun's father, mother and grandmother by USING DNA.
DNA samples from the mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. Tests revealed his siblings.
Queen Tiye wielded much political influence at Court and acted as Adviser to his son after the death of her husband. There is speculation that their eldest son Prince Moses who led Tuthmose actually Bani Israel into the promised land. hair found in a miniature coffin in the tomb of King Tut. Tomb identified suitable Tut's Tomb were labeled with the hair with hair in a well-preserved mummies. Ancient Egypt was very concerned with Maintaining their hair to improve their social status. They devise a cure for baldness and greying and regularly washed their hair and perfumed. Adults sometimes wear hairpieces, and have intricate style.
Zahi Hawass issued from Dr. King Tut coffin stone in 2007 to study DNA. Tests revealed that Viceroy sickly adult.
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