Sunday, August 12, 2012

joke Night

Budi busway up and sat next to a beautiful and sexy young women.
Happen to the young mother just starting to breastfeed their babies.
But when the young mothers want to breastfeed, the baby refused ..

The young mother said, "let's be drunk my dear boy, I'll give it to the uncle who next, you know" ...

Budi returned the greeting with a smiling glance .....

Ten minutes later the baby is still just do not want to drink milk.
The young mother persuaded again "let my kids love to drink milk ... I'll give it to an uncle who next to the real ..."

Unable to stand the feel tricked, suddenly Budi had been sitting dsebelah sexy young mother also spoke directly and loudly to the young mother "Hey good to hear ya mom .. please take a decision quickly ..!, I should have gone down in four previous stops so no, just waiting to be given milk to me or not ..?!

Description: joke Night Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Adit ItemReviewed: joke Night
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 12:03 AM


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