Sunday, August 12, 2012

10 where the nuclear test

How the countries in possession of nuclear weapons testing in the most deadly? Testing in remote places far from residential areas.

In fact, these data indicate a sad outcome. Soldiers and residents in the area around the test site later reap a variety of radiation-induced diseases. Flora and fauna, too, felt the impact. Unfortunately, still persists in many countries still maintain their nuclear weapons technology.

For the uninitiated, This is the 10th nuclear test site owned by the countries 'nuclear club'.

A. Nevada

Between 1951 to 1992, the Nevada desert, 107 miles north of Las Vegas into a nuclear test area most often on the planet. In the desert region is an area of ​​3500 square kilometers, more than 800 nuclear explosions occur - usually in the ground.

In fact, the city of Las Vegas gambling mafia built by also selling nuclear explosion scene attraction for tourists. Most, photographs and films that circulated about a nuclear explosion is taken from the Nevada desert.

Later, the U.S. government to give serious attention when the effects of nuclear radiation began to spread. Levels of blood cancer in the vicinity of Nevada has doubled in the U.S. compared to other regions. In 2009, Nevada was officially declared the most contaminated places on the planet second radioactive after Chernobyl.

2. Bikini Atoll

In addition to Nevada, Bikini Atoll is located in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific northwest, also known as a nuclear test the United States. Bikini Atoll test site used since 1945 as a replacement for the Trinity test site, New Mexico.

Dated July 1, 1946, the first nuclear explosion carried out by means 250 warships obsolete as a test target.

Initially, native moved to the nearby island with a guarantee they will be back in 3 months. In fact, in 1957 when they returned, finally had to leave again because a lot of radiation-induced disease. Other harm, the fish that live in these areas were also contaminated so it is not safe for consumption.

Bikini Atoll was designated a World Heritage site in 2010.

3. Kiritmati

Formerly known as Christmas Island, now part of the Republic of Kiribati. Atoll nuclear test site may be the most unique, because there are two countries that are testing their weapons.

Britain is taking place to test a hydrogen bomb in 1957. Then the United States took over in 1962 and detonated at least 22 nuclear Kiritmati before leaving the island in 1969.

4. Maralinga

Although the test site is owned by the UK, Maralinga in Australia. Strictly speaking there are two places in South Australia as a test, the Maralinga and Emu Field. Two trials conducted at Emu Field in 1953 before moving to a permanent site in Maralinga.

The next test took place in 1956 and 1957, one of which is the first time dropping a nuclear bomb from RAF aircraft. Testing continued until 1963. Clean-up operations continued until 1967, but the site is still dangerous radioactive.

Aboriginal population living in these places was expelled, though ultimately they keep coming back. In the 1980s, Australia and British soldiers, as well as Aboriginal people show symptoms of radiation. The result, both the UK and Australia were forced to pay massive compensation to their soldiers and Aboriginal people are exposed to radiation.

5. Semipalatinsk

While still incorporated in the USSR, Semipalatinsk region in the Republic of Kazakhstan to nuclear testing sites most often for the communist state. At least 465 explosions occurred between 1949 to 1981.

Now, the Republic of Kazakhstan inherited a serious public health problem around the Semipalatinsk region. According to local health reports, health problems began to be felt 220 000 inhabitants including cancer problem.

6. Novaya Zemlya

The Soviet Union also has a nuclear test site (nuclear test site) Another in the Arctic region.

Novaya Zemlya, a remote island is the target of Soviet nuclear explosions between 1954 and 1990. Reportedly, the largest nuclear explosion measuring more than 100 megatons've done here.

7. Mururoa

France was once the most problematic countries with respect possession of nuclear weapons. Countries 'Eifel' is in the 60's nuclear test at Mururoa and Fangataufa, French-owned territory in the Pacific. Between 1966 - 1996 there were at least 147 tests on the two islands.

The problem is, the area is close to New Zealand that has been declared a nuclear-free zone policy. Countries 'kiwi' is also disappointed with the French, and had sent its naval fleet in protest. Relations between the two countries also reached a low point after the French secret agents blew up a Greenpeace ship in Auckland harbor in 1985.

8. Lop Nur

This area is located in Bayingolin, Mongol. China began to conduct a trial in October 1964, and subsequently followed by 44 test - 22 22 explosions in the atmosphere and underground, which finally terminated in 1996.

The problem is, the area is very close to the location of the site Tarim mummies, ancient relics from the era 1800 BC.

9. Pokhran

India began developing its nuclear capability after the border war with China in 1962 and a confrontation with Pakistan. Pokhran in Rajasthan which is chosen as a test site since 1960.

Although the Indian government claimed Pokhran is a remote desert area, in fact, near the location of settlements. Pokhran is a city with a population of about 15,000 people when the first nuclear test conducted at the nearest military base in September 1974.

Evidence that the population affected by the Pokhran nuclear tests had been kept secret by the government of India.

10. Koh Kambaran

The latest member of the nuclear club, Pakistan has a long time before finally testing. This country has a nuclear capability in early 1983, but the first new nuclear test occurred in May 1998.

Koh Kambaran himself selected as a test site in early 1976. Located in the province of Baluchistan, the site was chosen because of the mountains above the underground site is composed of granite, so it provides - at least one kilometer - and explosion protection between the open air above.

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Mbah Qopet Updated at: 12:07 AM


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