Friday, August 10, 2012

Birth month of september till november tend to live longer intended to predict, but the old person's life can be determined by birth month. Environmental conditions when a person is born affect health and development to adulthood. A study found that people who were born in September and November have a high probability of living to 100 years old.

The study, published Journal of Aging Research is led by Leonid A. Gavrilov, PhD and Natalia S. Gavrilova, PhD from the University of Chicago. The researchers used data of 1574 'centenarian' or people with ages over 100 years in the United States who was born in 1880 until 1895.

The centerinarian were compared with 10 855 people over the age of his brother who has a short, 1083 is also the other as a control group to eliminate the environmental or genetic factors that may exist.

The result, researchers found that month of birth also help determine a person's chances of living to 100 years old. People born in the autumn, from September to November, has a chance of living to 100 years higher. If born in the spring and summer that took place in March and August, the chances of living to 100 years is smaller.

When the results of the study compared to the census conducted in 1900 in the United States, as much as 51.8 percent of the general population born in the first half and 53.12 percent of people who reach 100 years old was born in the second half.

These figures reinforce previous research. Previous research has shown that people born at the end of the year, ie from the month of September to December, has a higher life expectancy than those born in other months.

The researchers are not sure why people born at the end of the year tend to be higher chances of longevity. Allegedly, the condition of maternal nutrition can affect fetal development to adulthood. Other studies have previously shown that babies born in autumn had higher birth weight may also affect growth and development.

Not only that, infection and disease also have periods of peak in certain months, such as the flu. While the polio virus causes the most cases of infection in July and August.

The researchers suspected, was born in the autumn that is protected from the cold winter or hot summer sun. Babies born in autumn are also more likely to avoid infection is more common in winter, spring and summer.

"The results of this study indicate that the month of birth affect longevity. This relationship persists even after accounting for environmental factors childhood and parental characteristics. Environmental conditions early in life seems to have long term effects on aging and longevity," said the researcher as Medical Daily reported.

In the 4 seasons, spring occurs in March through May, summer from June to August, autumn in September to November and winter occurred in December and February. In a country with two seasons as in Indonesia, the findings may be different.

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Mbah Qopet Updated at: 11:45 PM


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