Thursday, August 9, 2012

7 Original Liquor Indonesia

Cap Tikus & Sagoer

Cap Tikus a liquor distillery Sagoer results of Manado. Sagoer itself is a fluid which intercepted and containing little tree arenga pinnata alcohol levels of around 5%. After being distilled in the traditional way, this being a beverage Minahasa driving work for farmers. However, when this Cap more Mice become means of impingement and drunkenness. So dangerous this drink to remind elderly people to be able to hold or control your drinking Cap mouse. Historically also known slogan regarding Cap mouse, drink one seloki Cap mouse, enough to add blood, two seloki could go to prison, and drinking three seloki would to hell.


Alcohol is a typical liquor of various Indonesia fermented fruit. Materials normally tuak or rice liquid extracted from plants such as coconut molasses or sugar Palm, Palmyra fruit from trees or legen tal, or other sources. In the region of Batak alcohol made from sugar Palm trees like coconut then often called beer rock. Traditional bars that provide alcohol called lapo tuak. Actual alcohol in so many regions in Indonesia so often referred to by other names, but alcohol here refers to the fermented beverage of sweet fruit. Just as her friend from Manado tuak is also very intoxicated with alcohol levels lighter. Lapo tuak in one glass of alcohol blood written up. 2 cups, smooth talk. 3 cups, started giggling. 4 glasses, looking for because. 5 cups, burning hearts. 6 glasses, making the case. 7 cups, the craze. 8 cups, made miserable. 9 cups, went to jail and 10 glasses, go to hell.

Arak Bali

Similar to alcohol, arak bali is the liquor fermented from coconut and other fruit juices. Kadar alkoholnya 37-50%. This wine from the name alone is obviously derived from Bali and is often used in indigenous ceremonies. In a ceremony in honor of the gods, the procession will be poured into banana leaf that has been formed as tangkup and then the procession will be the right hand of dicpiratkan with the help of a flower. Arak-arak for the ceremony is usually the lowest quality because the best wine to be drunk. This wine is also quite popular with tourists in Bali and one cocktail recipes is the famous "arak attack" that is a mixture of Wine and orange juice. Although many foreign tourists would not be impressed with the taste of wine than any other liquor world however the existence of Arak Bali certainly helped a foreigner to enjoy on your holiday and promote the island of gods.


Liqueurs are liquor from Maluku banned there but already very popular and deeply ingrained. Liqueurs is itself a fermentation from sugar Palm trees (so still brothers with Indonesia and other liquor) and have alcohol levels above 50%. The manufacture of Liqueurs that generates a sense typically is the addition of powdered root of Husor and the use of bamboo for distillation. The makers of traditional Liqueurs is very prosperous until the forbidden though could send their children to college then there is already mention of the people who become professors because these Liqueurs. Some say flavor Liqueurs like Vodka.


Well liquors from the Yogyakarta was his reputation really badly. Try Your search on google about this drink, the home page will be dominated by the tragic stories of blindness, lapen enforcement, paralysis, until the death of mass. His name was already quite forbidding Lapen stands for "direct reel". Indeed the way pembuatannyapun will make us Chief geleng. 98.5% alcohol mixed 15 liters of mineral water plus sugar and other sweeteners, didiamkan 12 hours ready for consumption. You are going to ask what jelly alcohol used? That is where the problem because it is not clear then drink is often contaminated the highly toxic Methanol (cosmetic ingredients, cleaning, etc.) that will be the acid in the body and attacks the nervous system, especially the nerves of the eye. More it gets worse again in Yogyakarta missing youths often test their mettle with direction to mix with various other liquid Lapen to strengthen it, and we mean not only drink liquids liquid but can karbol, formalin, and chemicals of any kind you can think of. No wonder the page after page of google search for "Lapen" decorated obituary and news pengerebekan police.


Ciu is a name designation for liquor and Banyumas areas typical of the Bekonang, Sukoharjo. While there may be something to do but not the same as Ang Ciu or Chinese red wine. In Banyumas Ciu is fermented from rice with alcohol levels reaching 50-90%. In place of this illegal and with the Ciu actively eradicated by the Government of his country. In Bekonang on the other hand, making this a Government backed by the Ciu area, so it became very popular and sold to the whole County of Surakarta, Surabaya and Madura. In antiquity there were hajatan night surely each is followed by a drunk show "Ciu Bekonang". This construction uses tape Ciu and sticky so fermented from cassava is not like his brother in banyumas. Both the Ciu colorless, clear and it feels very powerful.

Wine, beer Star Parents, Anker, Liquor Beer and other local

Although it is still being debated and debate among their chaplain, liquor production on a large scale has become a very big business. Just look at the parent group of wine kolesomnya can be penetrated as far as the other food business. Beer production in the country (which it feels inferior to foreign beer) is also popular among the public. Drinks-drink that is on this list simply because they are made in Indonesia despite the small value of the tradition.

Description: 7 Original Liquor Indonesia Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Adit ItemReviewed: 7 Original Liquor Indonesia
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 11:33 PM


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