Thursday, August 9, 2012

Female sexual behavior based on tooth shape

Was not only a smile makes a person much more attractive, but also has a specific message to the opposite sex. That said, the sexual desire of women can be predicted from the shape of the teeth that look when they laugh or smile. So, if you are a woman who likes to laugh, you have to be careful because the person before you could be reading your secret.

Teeth small and sparse
The quality of sex that women have tended to mediocre, and even tend to let go if invited by the associated partner. Temperament that refused to budge him 'I arbitrarily' in sex.

And the teeth are flat
Women owners of this type of gear is always oriented to the satisfaction of their partners. He was very 'clever' to the bedroom and durable in lovemaking. For men who have a partner like this game should be a good balance and have more power in order to satisfy each other.

Teeth large and sparse
The type of woman is often dominate or aggressive in bed game. Excessive spoiled attitude and sometimes made-up may make her partner feel upset. In fact, if unfulfilled sexual desires, he is often angry and tried to keep his wish fulfilled. Men who have this type of couple should wait to address the behavior.

Forward gear
In the bedroom, women like this type of gear including an aggressive group of women, but are in high demand and easy to complain. If the teeth are small, usually still tolerable, meaning less 'squeeze' husband. However, if the shape of her teeth were large, it is easy to complain even berated if unable to satisfy their partner.

Dental gingsul
In matters of sex, is very smart woman and her partner are very happy to know what is desired by the partner. Basically, women who have teeth this gingsul easy to talk to and extensive knowledge, so that it becomes its own plus the value in having sex. His attitude is rather childish taste 'irritated' for his partner.

Gigi looked into the
The attitude of quiet and shy type of woman makes a lot more curious men to 'open' and fishing passion. Unfortunately, women like this type of gear is rather passive, including for the bedroom. So for the male partner should have extra patience and the ability to stimulate the woman becomes active.

Teeth small and smart
The nature of this type are very nice woman and accentuating the beauty, so he tried to give full attention to the spouse. Moreover, supported by a cute face type alias 'Babyface' to make her partner was intoxicated. For the bedroom, she was always able to match partner's wishes.

Well, hopefully the above description can help you guys to be able to recognize your partner's sexual behavior. Keep in mind that what was said above is not an argument or theory that patent, but the general picture is often the case. The main thing in achieving a harmonious relationship couples are feeling the love and affection, which is offset by the understanding, openness and maturity.

Description: Female sexual behavior based on tooth shape Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Adit ItemReviewed: Female sexual behavior based on tooth shape
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 11:38 PM


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